Estate Planning and Legacy Law Center, PLC

The Future of Medicaid Is Important to Everyone

Many people think Medicaid will never be part of their lives but chances are they are mistaken, according to The New York Times in "Plan on Growing Old? Then the Medicaid Debate Affects You."

When politicians talk about cutting the costs of Medicaid, it is easy for many people to nod their heads in agreement.

But the problem is Medicaid is not that simple.

Medicaid provides health care for a substantial number of the nation's elderly.

More than 60% of people in nursing homes, have their care paid for by the program. Many more receive home health care through the program.

If you grow old and outlive your retirement funds, which is easy to do given the costs of health care for the elderly, then you might need Medicaid to pay for your care someday.

Reference: New York Times (June 30, 2017) "Plan on Growing Old? Then the Medicaid Debate Affects You."