Estate Planning and Legacy Law Center, PLC

Planning to Pass on the Family Business

Building a successful business takes hard work, careful planning and significant foresight.  When a business has been able to maintain its success for a significant period of time, owners and/or executives must begin the task of succession planning. Family owned and operated businesses face particular challenges in this area.

Building a family business is hard work. Planning for its continuation after the founder retires or passes away may actually be harder. A succession plan is something that’s very specific to each business. There are various elements that may work for one family business and not another.

Recently, the Wealth published some tips on succession planning in an article titled "Succession Planning for Family Businesses."

The tips include:

If you have questions about making a succession plan part of your estate planning process, make an appointment to talk to one of our experienced estate planning attorneys about it.

Reference: Wealth (January 20, 2015) "Succession Planning for Family Businesses."